Mark Balfour’s Testimonials
“I met Mark a few years ago now on the introduction from my fellow director at Duncan McPhail & Co Pty Ltd, Gino Franco. Initially the work assigned to Mark was to do Wills, EPAs and EPGs. But soon it became clear that Mark was capable of far more complicated assignments and so referrals on matters such as breaches on vendor finance arrangements and working together on some very high level estate planning issues became common place. In client meetings, on difficult legal matters, it is comforting have Mark there as your ‘wingman’ with the soothing dulcet tones of his voice to provide an air of authority and calmness amongst the meeting participants. But it is not just Mark’s physical presence or his professional verbal advice in which he excels, it is his written word. His legalese in documents and eloquence in letters are second to none.” Shane Wagner B.Ec., B.Com., FCPA CTA, Senior Tax Director, Duncan McPhail & Co Pty Ltd.
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